- Riding The Stunning Verde Canyon Railroad – a Top USA Attraction
Riding The Stunning Verde Canyon Railroad – a Top…verdecanyonrail
Riding The Stunning Verde Canyon Railroad – a Top USA Attraction Read More
- Sinagua Ruins
- Montezuma Castle National Monument, Cliff Dwelling of Sinagua, Arizona
Montezuma Castle National Monument, Cliff Dwelling…verdecanyonrail
Montezuma Castle National Monument, Cliff Dwelling of Sinagua, Arizona Read More
- Honanki This short, easy hike leads to perhaps the best Native American ruins in Sedona
Honanki This short, easy hike leads to perhaps th…verdecanyonrail
Honanki This short, easy hike leads to perhaps the best Native American ruins in Sedona Read More
- Palatki Heritage Site — Outside Sedona — Ancient Cliff Dwelling and Pictographs Sheltered by Colorful Cliffs of Red Canyon
Palatki Heritage Site — Outside Sedona — Ancient…verdecanyonrail
Palatki Heritage Site — Outside Sedona — Ancient Cliff Dwelling and Pictographs Sheltered by Color… Read More
- Inside pueblo room. Tuzigoot National Monument, Arizona, USA,
Inside pueblo room. Tuzigoot National Monument, Ar…verdecanyonrail
Inside pueblo room. Tuzigoot National Monument, Arizona, USA, Read More
- Tuzigoot National Monument, Clarkdale, Arizona
Tuzigoot National Monument, Clarkdale, Arizonaverdecanyonrail
Tuzigoot National Monument, Clarkdale, Arizona Read More
- Tuzigoot National Monument, Arizona
- Montezuma's Castle and all other cliff dwellings and wells in the immediate area..fascinating and great for a day trip
Montezuma's Castle and all other cliff dwelli…verdecanyonrail
Montezuma's Castle and all other cliff dwellings and wells in the immediate area..fascinating a… Read More
- Sights to see at the Gold King Mine in Jerome, Arizona
Sights to see at the Gold King Mine in Jerome, Ari…verdecanyonrail
Sights to see at the Gold King Mine in Jerome, Arizona Read More
Sedona Family Activities
Looking for a fun, inexpensive trip that’s right for the whole family? The Verde Valley and the Sedona area have literally hundreds of activities you and your family can do! In fact, we’d go so far as to say that regardless of age, physical ability, or even taste, Sedona has something for everyone. From art shows to hiking, Casinos to water slides, and everything in between, there’s good reason that Sedona has become such a popular weekend trip for Phoenix natives and folks from all over the world. Below you’ll find a few year round family favorites to get you started, but if you have questions, feel free to give us a call at 800-582-7245.
Explore Oak Creek Canyon
Just 7 miles from Sedona you’ll find one of the most popular local areas for outdoor fun and excitement of all types. Here, even your littlest anglers are likely to catch some fish from the pristine blue waters of Oak Creek thanks to the stocked populations of Rainbow Trout, Rock Bass, Brown Trout and others, and If fishing’s not your thing, the hiking is outstanding too. For the more adventurous, on a hot day, you can’t beat the refreshing enjoyment of Slide Rock State Park. Even if you’d rather just stay put in the car and take a few pictures, there are few places in nature more beautiful and diverse. Learn more about this local tourism hot spot, or get directions from the train.
Visit Out of Africa Wildlife Park
Be entertained, educated, and even amazed when you see the exotic African animals available for viewing here at Out of Africa Wildlife Park. Much more than a zoo, this Wildlife Park offers cool shows like the Tiger Splash, where Bengal and Siberian tigers interact with each other while romping and splashing in a large pool with their brave caretakers. If you want something more hands on, check out the Giant Snake Show, or the Creature Feature, where members of your family of all ages can handle and/or experience a one on one relationship with wild animals. Get directions from Verde Canyon Railroad to Out of Africa Wildlife Park.
Visit A Real Ghost Town – Jerome, AZ
It’s not everyday you visit a haunted city, but for those that believe, former mining town turned National Landmark, Jerome, Arizona is the real deal. Learn the history of it’s waxing and waning population and visit some famous buildings like Connor Hotel, the Douglas Mansion, or the old town jail. Make sure to visit the Mining Museum, while you’re here and chat with some friendly locals for the real scoop on this fascinating town. Get directions from Verde Canyon Railroad to Jerome, AZ.
See Montezuma Castle National Monument
Whether your family is in to history or just appreciates natural beauty, they’ll love this National treasure. Dating all the way back to between 1100 and 1425 A.D. this set of well preserved ruins is definitely not typical and had a rare, pragmatic purpose compared to the average use as a castle or burial tomb. To the Sinagua people, “Montezuma Castle”, as it’s known was actually a kind of apartment complex for the local Indigenous people. Get Directions from Verde Canyon Railroad to Montezuma Castle.
Take a Ride on the Verde Canyon Railroad
If you’ve already taken some time to browse this site or have read any of the reviews from some of our riders, you know that the Verde Canyon Railroad is definitely a fun, “must do” , family friendly activity in the small town of Clarkdale, Arizona. Learn more about this beautiful 20 mile nature tour up Verde Canyon or reserve your tickets here first.