As interest in Sedona and the Verde Valley swells, so do the numbers of worldwide visitors enjoying the scenic splendor of Arizona’s high desert red rock country. A glance at Verde Canyon Railroad’s guest book shows passengers come to Clarkdale from foreign nations near and far; from as close as Canada and Mexico to as distant as Germany and China.
In an effort to communicate effectively with international travelers, Verde Canyon Railroad now offers online information in five additional languages to connect with the ever-expanding faction of foreign guests. Hispanic nations understand no es el destino, es el viaje as the train’s long-time slogan about the ride and perhaps life itself, “It’s not the destination, it’s the journey.” French-speaking travelers read about une vue imprenable sur l’ouest sauvage, loosely translating to “stunning views of the Wild West.”
German tourists have long exhibited serious enthusiasm for Arizona, and in the past year Verde Canyon Railroad has been featured in two major German publications. Part of the appeal of this heritage railroad is the chance for visitors to see majestetische falken und adler (majestic hawks and eagles), Javelina, wilde esel, hasen (Javelina, wild burros, rabbits), und viele weitere Canyonkreaturen koexistieren friedlich mit dem Erbe dieser Eisenbahn seit über 100 Jahren (the many wild canyon creatures coexisting peacefully with this heritage railroad for more than 100 years).
Asia is a growing market for Arizona and each year the number of groups arriving from the Far East increases, often times by way of California-based receptive companies. 亚利桑那州历史最悠久的展会性质 introduces Mandarin speakers to “Arizona’s Longest-Running Nature Show,” and Japanese travelers can learn aboutヴェルデバレーのワールドクラスの宿泊施設のオプション、レストラン、ブティック、美術館やギャラリー、国のモニュメント、州立公園やその他の歴史的名所 (the Verde Valley’s world-class lodging options, restaurants, boutiques, museums and galleries, national monuments, state parks and other historic sights). recently named Arizona’s Verde Valley one of the “Top 10 Travel Destinations in the World.” “It makes sense for us to assist our international visitors in their native language,” states marketing director Teresa Propeck. “They are traveling long distances to visit our area and we would like them to be comfortable and confident with their travel decisions,” Propeck added.